Tuesday, December 8, 2020

The Absence of Honey

Looks like this is my debut! 

"As reality erodes, strange creatures, the nonentities, crawl through the gap between our world and nothingness. Their paradoxical existence is sustained by feeding on more solid reality and accelerates the coming of the end.

Lollipop Candi couldn't be happier. Their best friend and crush, Nikki Towers, is spending more time with them than ever before. It doesn't matter that this might only be because Nikki, who is determined not to end along with the world, needs Lollipop's ability to communicate with the nonentities. Lollipop is eager to be useful.

To savour their time with Nikki they record it. They record their plans, successes and failures, their unlikely alliances and the nonentities they meet together. They record their love for Nikki and feelings about the end. This is that record."

The Absence of Honey is my first novel. It's got a cast of unconventional characters (morally grey would be putting it lightly), a lot of surreal scenes, and is told from the perspective of a character with bizarre motivations and otherworldly powers. If any of that appeals to you, I implore you to give it a try.

Find the Absence of Honey here.