Monday, September 20, 2021

The Prawn Song

Steps to be happy:

1. Be prawn
2. Chill at the bottom of the sea.

Similar to the memetic concept of "Return to Monke", The Prawn Song expresses a desire to remove oneself of humanity, although returning to the sea is perhaps a tad more extreme than anarcho-primitivism. 

I love this song. I love how it's so casual about abandoning humanity. Often stories and movies with the message "We live in a society" take themselves so seriously (i.e Joker 2019) but this song just puts itself in the headspace of "Okay, I'm done". The poppy, bubbly instrumentation and fun sound effects complement Orono Noguchi's deadpan expression and singing. The combination results in a feeling of "Okay, I'm happy inside but I don't need to show it any more because no-one's looking" and that's a kind of pure happiness I can abide by. 

After all, what is the feeling of happiness but an indicator that the world is as it should be? If you already know you're "happy just being a prawn" what need is there to express that to others or even to yourself?