Thursday, July 23, 2020

Hello, internet

A lot has changed about me as a person since I made that last intro. I no longer consider myself a yandere, for one, and never got around to writing those riddles. But I still love maths and science and want to live forever. I'm not sure I have favourite authors, but here are some books I enjoyed recently: Lost in The Garden, The Shadow of The Torturer, and Our Share of The Night.

Old Intro

I'm Layne and I write stuff. A lot of stuff, actually. Fiction and non-fiction, and maybe some riddles. You'll find my work by following the links beneath the blog title (on the main page).

A crash course on me: I'm a mathematician, I intend to live forever, I love science (including the fictional kind). I'm a yandere (and I have an essay about that too). I don't care what pronouns you use for me. My favourite authors include Jeff Vandermeer, Leonara Carrington, Virginia Woolf and Sunny Moraine. My favourite mathematicians/scientists include Erwin Schrodinger, Carl Gauss, and John Haldane. 

My favourite readers include you.

I hope you find something you like here. Thanks for stopping by.

If you want to drop me a line, you can leave a comment on the blog, or find me here: