0. Foreword

I doubt anyone but myself, Nikki or Chronos will ever read this. Perhaps Jane, or Rho, or even Sal. If you are not one of the aforementioned, it is for your sake that I include this foreword.

I want you to know that although the world ends over the course of these pages, and although I am so intimately linked with that end, this is not about the end of the world. If you’re looking for a succinct account of how we got here, look to Nikki’s notes. If you’re looking for the scientific how and why then Jane might have some theories. I’m sure she would be happy to tell you.

You should read on only if you want to know who Nikki and I were and what we became. This is what I have tirelessly recorded.

I want you to know this is about Nikki and me. Nothing more.